Andromalius – the community strategist

For anyone already familar with Andromalius, the title of this post is intentionally cryptic.

But that will become clear by the time you get to the end of this post.

I’ve not asked entities for anything in about eight months. My focus of work has been on a fairly minimal, but effective, high magick daily practice – meditation, energy work, and honouring Shakti energy. Lucifer is the course convenor for my magickal journey and guides me where to go next.

The only ‘low magick’ I’ve performed in recent times was a series of five sigils for improvement in general life domains, but nothing specific.

I was feeling otherwise content with my life and purpose…

Until yesterday morning.

I got up at 5am to get ready for work. It was unsual that my housemates were also up so early on a Sunday.

As it turned out, group of juvenile thieves had walked into the house in our otherwise peaceful neighbourhood half an hour earlier. One of them walked into my housemate’s room and stole his car keys from his bedside table… While he was asleep!

He woke up to the little bastards trying to get away in his car from the front of the house. Their severely-stunted life skills didn’t include operating a 4WD with manual gearbox, and failed to get anywhere.

Sadly, however, as there were a few of them, one had already taken off with my mountain bike – my only mode of transport since my own car died a few months ago.

This kind of shit has been an ongoing problem in my town recently. Only last week, a string of nearby cafes had their windows smashed in and cash stolen.

I rang the emergency number and reported the situation to police, then reluctantly caught an Uber to work, where I would spend the morning seething in righteous indignation. As I don’t have social media, my dear colleague posted an update to a local Facebook crime page on my behalf.

Time to hack some reality

Deciding that this was one of those times when low magick was well and truly justified, I prayed silently to Lord Lucifer while I was working to reveal to me a Goetic entity to get back my lost items. I knew there was at least one among them renowned for that exact purpose, so I took to the search bar on Reddit’s Demonolatry forums to get some names.

The most prominent was Earl Andromalius, the 72 Spirit of the Ars Goetia. He is decribed as:

… a mighty Great Earl of Hell, having thirty-six legions of demons at his service. He can bring back both a thief and the stolen goods, punishes all thieves and other wicked people, and discovers hidden treasures, all evilness, and all dishonest dealing. Andromalius is depicted as a man holding a big serpent in his hand.

Ars Goetia

Can’t get more spot-on than that.

First contact

The ritual was crude, but emotionally charged.

On my lunch break, I bought a fresh bottle of water, a piece of chocolate, and some fresh sage from the market next door. These were the first ingredients that came to mind as my offerings. Then I sat down at the back of the building where I would not be disturbed, and set up a cardboard tray on the ground as a makeshift altar. I put the offerings on the tray, and drew the sigil of Andromalius on a fresh piece of printer paper from the work office.

Sigil of Andromalius

I chanted Andromalius’ enn while staring at the sigil. When I felt the requisite shift in energy, I closed my eyes and asked him to find the thief and return my bike. Not just for me, but for the entire local community who had experienced so much suffering at the hands of these little fuckers.

I left the offerings on the ground and returned to work. Despite lingering feelings of frustration and the ritual being a bit rushed, I felt much more at ease when I returned to work.

Andromalius has a very calm vibe. He is a little stern, probably because of his martian, orderly correspondence, but certainly not in a negative way. Having sat with him in a more formal setting since this episode, he revealed to me that he, along with the other goetic spirits, were the gods of humanity during the time of Atlantis. When the Atlantean culture fell, so too did the reputation of the old gods – as we know, history was written by the winners.

Well, that was quick…

I remember waking up during the night to the sound of distant agonising screaming. I have no idea if this was a dream or a neighbour’s TV.

When I woke up proper, exactly 24 hours after this situation began, I had a text message from my work mate:

We got your bike

The security guard at a pub a few suburbs over recognised my bicycle from the post my colleague had posted. He confiscated it from the offender and stashed it behind the bar.

As I didn’t finish work until early evening, my colleague (who was finishing early in the afternoon) offered to collect it from the pub which was close to his house. Another colleague was kind enough to take me to his house after work.

Lessons learned

This was a massively successful magickal working in terms of results and speed. It demonstrates that intent and emotion always trump fancy, elaborate rituals.

It also speaks to the cryptic title of this blog post. Thanks to Andromalius the stars aligned exactly in my favour with perfect logistics, resulting in the combined effort of several people – people in the right place, at the right time, with good hearts and good intentions.

And this was the key takeaway…

Everytime I experience the transformational power of Magick, I am speechless with awe and wonder. This occasion was certainly no exception.

Yes, I can affect change in the physical realm as a magician and divine being. But I cannot get too full of myself.

Other people were involved who, through their own freewill, were instrumental in the success of the operation. My love and gratitude for my local community and the people around me have been reinforced.

Andromalius has inspired me to be a better person and to always, always show acknowledgement and appreciation when people do good things.

Thank you, Andromalius. Thank you friends. Thanks Mr Security Guard!

Source: Gerd Altmann, Pixabay

Working with Andromalius

I’m still getting to know Andromalius, so I haven’t got too many details at hand yet. Most of these details about his correspondences are taken from other sources. The incense and the offerings are what I used in the spur of the moment ritual. The tarot card is my own intuition, but I’ve heard that the 10 of cups and also associated with Andromalius.

Mantra: Tasa Fubin Andromalius On Ca

Day: Tuesday

Planet: Mars

Element: Water

Tarot card: 2 of Pentacles

Incense: Mila Tibetan handrolled incense

Offerings: Fresh water, chocolate, fresh sage. Andromalius also appreciates an effort to be a better person and member of the community.

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