Managing expectations in magick

Religion, Hollywood, and an hysterical media are the main offenders for painting an unrealistic picture of what magick is and how it works. This is especially the case when it comes to daemonolatry and goetic magick which, suffering from a lack of information compared to RHP paradigms, is still...

Duke Sallos – share the love

I’ve described my ethics on love, lust, and attraction magick in previous posts. In the majority of cases, I’m opposed to directing love magick at someone. It not only demonstrates neediness and lack of self-confidence, but it also violates the free will of the ‘target’. But what if mutual...

Back to basics

In terms of methodology, demonolatry isn’t all that complex. Rituals need not be elaborate and not a lot of movement is involved. The most important component is your inner state – your ability to regulate your emotions, to focus your intent and direct it into the quantum field. This...

President Buer – the healer

Disclaimer: This post is not intended as a substitute for medical or therapeutic advice, nor am I suggesting that magick is a replacement for established addiction treatments. It is simply a recount based on my experience. If you are struggling with addiction, seek professional help. About a year and...