Meditation on the Hebrew Letters

A few months back, I completed an initiation that involved meditating on each of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet in turn for between 4 days to a week each. Specifically, I focused on each letter like a sigil, along with its corresponding card in the Major Arcana of the tarot, and their corresponding path on the tree of life.

22 letters. 22 cards. 22 paths.

This initiation was recommended to me by my good friend and fellow traveller on the left hand path, Dave Block, as a less-intense alternative to Qliphothic initiation – something which I didn’t feel quite ready to embark upon and which Lucifer told me I was not ready for yet either. I was half way through one of Dave’s lectures about the Qliphoth and the Annunaki wars on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio and had just asked Lucifer to guide me to a more suitable initiation. About a minute after resuming the lecture, Dave mentioned the Hebrew letter meditation.

Even now, I still don’t feel quite ready to set foot onto the Qliphoth, even though it fascinates me. Instead, I’m preparing myself for Kundalini Tantra, by practicing Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga. To be honest, I don’t expect Kundalini to be any less intense than the Qliphoth – I’m just more drawn to Eastern mysticism.

But I digress…

Source code of reality

The esoteric significance of the Hebrew alphabet cannot be overstated. It is both an alphabet that represents sacred phonological vibration as well as an entire system of numerology, in which each letter having a numeric value. Divine names, mantras, dates, and situations can be interpreted (or created) using the Hebrew alphabet. Even entire passages of the Hebrew bible have numerological significance. The complexity of the Hebrew alphabet as a magickal system could easily be a lifelong study.

Source: Chihiro23, Pixabay

Many Western occult system almost invariably include a basic introduction of the Hebrew letters as part of its training. The tools created by a magician for ceremonial magick – such as those created found in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn – are all inscribed with Hebrew script.

All of reality can be interpreted numerically and geometrically. When I think of the Hebrew letters in this way, I am reminded of the green cascade in The Matrix. I am reminded of Odin’s sacrifice on the World Tree Yggdrasil who, having hanged for nine days and nights, acquired the secrets of the runes. I honestly don’t think the Hebrew alphabet and the runes are all that dissimilar – same goes for Sanskrit.

Intent and methodology

My intent going into this was not to learn Hebrew, memorise all of the correspondences of each letter or understand their numerological or esoteric significance of to a high degree. Rather I simply wanted to allow the process of meditating on each one as a sigil in its own right to guide me, and let my intuition fill in the blanks as far as meaning and significance is concerned.

My methodology was fairly simple. I made it a part of my morning magickal routine and conducted the meditation directly after my morning Qi Gong practice. I had a hand-drawn copy of each Hebrew letter and its corresponding tarot in front of me. As is my preferred method for charging any other type of sigil, I used the Wim Hof breathing technique; gazing at both the letter and the card during the breath-hold.

Before moving on to a new letter, I’d do some rudimentary research about it to get the ball rolling, usually and But this was only to prime myself – I’d always be sure to allow my mind to wander and surrender to any downloads that I received. Sometimes I didn’t get much new and had to rely on those existing interpretations. Other times I got some really cryptic gnoses, wildly different to any ‘traditional’ interpretations.

Immediately after the session, I recorded my insights in the diary. When I had finished working with one letter, I’d stick in to my wall as a kind of progress motivator.

Simple but not easy

To be honest, I wasn’t expecting much out of this process at all. I’ve been using the tarot daily for about five years and have a pretty good understanding of the cards’ meanings. What effect could meditating on them plus some arbitrary character from a once-dead-now-revived language possibly have?

Well, I wouldn’t say my life fell apart drastically, but the entire initiation was a series of internal and external changes. Some were blissful, some were painful. None of them were tied to any particular letter.

Source: Gerd Altmann, Pixabay

In the first couple of weeks, I began to feel really amazing about having discovered the magickal path in this lifetime, about its possibilities for understanding myself and reality, about the situations and people one meets along the way. There was an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

This was followed by a period of deep isolation and loneliness, when I realised that I had no one to truly share this enthusiasm with. Good friends tried to be supportive, for sure, but no one really ‘got it’. I was seeing the world through completely different eyes to everyone else and speaking a different language. Magick is a deeply personal experience and the path is ultimately a solitary one.

There were a lot of attachments I was forced to let go of. Some close relationships simply dissolved. I soon realised that they weren’t serving me at all but it wasn’t easy. My car, which was actually a piece of shit, died. This meant, I had to start cycling, but my bicycle was stolen a couple of weeks later before my eyes in broad daylight.

Finding myself

With all of this extra time I had to contemplate in solitude, I was ultimately able to connect with what my purpose is. It’s fairly complicated to describe in detail, but it involves being more of a minimalist, narrowing my focus, and I’m about to relocate to a new city.

Source: Claudia Martinez, Pixabay

Ultimately this was one of the best things I’ve done for spiritual journey in a while and, in about four or five months, I definitely feel like an inner transformation has taken place. It wasn’t easy, but nothing that’s worth living for is.

The meaning of the letters

Because it’s important to share experience and gnoses whilst on the magickal path to help others, the rest of this article will serve as my interpretation of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet. Like I said above, I referred to some online sources to get me started, but my interpretation is purely personal. Should you choose to do this yourself, your interpretation may be different.

For a personal touch I’ve digitised my hand-drawn rendition of the letters. Because I was unfamiliar with Hebrew when I started, I didn’t realise that I was using a stylised version of the alphabet as a reference for most (but not all) of the letters until I was about two-thirds through the initiation. Therefore, my drawings will differ to what you may see printed in occult grimoires, etc.


Number: 1

Tarot card: The Fool

Path: 11 – Kether-Chokmah

Alchemy: Air

Interpretation: Creation made the decision to express itself. It took the first leap into the unknown, thus beginning the fool’s journey.

As occultist, we are creators. This is the first step we take – that we must make when forging a new path.


Number: 2

Tarot card: The Magician

Path: 12 – Kether-Binah

Alchemy: Mercury

Interpretation: While Aleph represents the path toward Chokmah (wisdom), the emotional component of creation, Beth represents the path to the logical (Binah) component of creation. Aleph and Beth represent the Feminine (Shakti) and Masculine (Shiva) principles, respectively.

The alchemical symbol of Mercury represents the Thothian aspect; the unification of paradox


Number: 3

Tarot card: The High Priestess

Path: 13 – Kether-Tiphareth

Alchemical: Moon

Interpretation: Unconscious. Creation crosses the Abyss. The crossing of two viels, Briah and Atziluth


Number: 4

Tarot card: The Empress

Path: 14, Chokmah-Binah

Alchemical: Venus

Interpretation: The central binder of the first three letters. Dalet is the Hebrew word for ‘door’ or ‘gateway’. The number 4 represents the four alchemical elements, the four worlds. Holds the equilibrium between understanding and wisdom.

The Empress (feminine & nurturing) holds a sceptre – possibly a torch to guide us or a penetrative phallus. She sits in front of a forest, almost guarding it. The forest of the unknown, the unconscious of the Abyss. This is contrasted by the golden wheat/barley in front of her. She is the balancing force of the universe.

We walk towards her with humility.


Number: 5

Tarot card: The Star

Path: 15 – Chokmah-Tipheroth

Alchemical: Aries

Interpretation: The emotional intuitive path between the central Sun and the supernal triad. The Ruler


Number: 6

Tarot card: The Heirophant

Path: 16 – Chokmah-Chesed

Alchemical: Taurus

Interpretation: The higher path on the right side of the tree of life. Where forgiveness and letting go of judgement of self and of others is not only a display of strength and courage, but aso the only way of emancipation from bondage.

This often requires a teacher or some kind of trial that forces us to surrender to come to this realisation.


Number: 7

Tarot card: The Lovers

Path: 17 – Binah-Tiphareth

Alchemical: Gemini

Interpretation: Twins. The second side that connects the third and second triad.


Number: 8

Tarot card: The Chariot

Path: 18 – Binah-Geburah

Alchemical: Cancer

Interpretation: Chet signifies enclosure, limited scope of something with a wider spectrum. It is a protective quality, demonstrating competencec within that scope and certainty in one’s ability. Like have blinkers on that allows us to narrow down our talents and focus on something – a specialisation.


Number: 9

Tarot card: Strength

Path: 19 – Chesed-Mercury

Alchemical: Leo

Interpretation: The veil that must be pierced before entering Da’ath. Sometimes signified as a Dragon, possibly the womb of Lilith (in Crowley’s Thoth deck, it is the ‘Lust’ for entering the womb). It takes courage to pierce the veil. The serpent guards the treasure. She wears a crown of thorns and an infinite halo. She is an enlightened master/mistress. Her feminine aspect means that we must embrace the feminine to go beyond.


Number: 10

Tarot card: The Hermit

Path: 20 – Chesed-Tiphareth

Alchemical: Virgo

Interpretation:Secrets, solitude, invisibility. Potentiality of creation. The first two-digit number.


Number: 20

Tarot card: Wheel of Fortune

Path: 21 – Chesed-Netzach

Alchemical: Jupiter

Interpretation: Container of matter. What gives it form. It is what gives shape and physicality to that which is manifested in physical reality. The Wheel of Fortune is what gives the magician the ability to create that shape in accordance with his or her will.

This is the manifestation of desires. The idea that we are capable of controlling our lives as opposed to being carried by ‘fate’.


Number: 30

Tarot card: Justice

Path: 21 – Geburah-Tiphareth

Alchemical: Libra

Interpretation: The equaliser. The ‘stuff’ pf reality is manifested with Kaf (Wheel of Fortune). With Lamed, it is brought into harmony. If the manifestation is not in accordance with Natural Law, the return to equilibrium will provide sometimes harsh lessons. The scales of justice always seek a return to equilibrium


Number: 40

Tarot card: Hanged Man

Path: 23 – Geburah-Hod


Interpretation: This represents the necessity to sacrifice, to wait and sit still in a seemingly chaotic moment and surrender. Much like Odin, who hangs on the Tree Yggdrasil, at the end of the ordeal, he is the recipient of wisdom (Mem).

The element of water represents the unconscious, which is the place where sacrifice is made. As the unintegrated shadow manifests chaos (the leftward ripping apart of the tree – the Adversity), only through integration and not fighting it, can we manage the situation


Number: 50

Tarot card: Death

Path: 24 – Tiphareth-Netzach

Alchemical: Scorpio

Interpretation: Death and rebirth. Renewal. The death of desires. Being willing to give up and start afresh.


Number: 60

Tarot card: Temperance

Path: 25 – Tiphareth-Yesod

Alchemical: Sagittarius

Interpretation: Transmutation. Alchemy. Changing into higher vibration through tempering the materials that already exist.

Combining the qualities in harmonious amounts to create perfection.

Descent down into the moon, the lower end of the astral realm


Number: 70

Tarot card: The Devil

Path: 26 – Tiphareth-Hod

Alchemical: Capricorn

Interpretation: Limitless nothingness. Dual force – light and darkness. Spiritual eye – the ability to see between worlds. One eyes sees all with simple monocular vision.

Epiphany in communicating with the feminine via embodies presence.


Number: 80

Tarot card: The Tower

Path: 27 – Hod-Netzach

Alchemical: Mars

Interpretation: The conquering child. War and destruction. Active, exciting intelligence. First veil. Stripping away the dross. Total surrender to the purification fire.


Number: 90

Tarot card: The Emperor

Path: 28 – Netzach-Yesod

Alchemical: Aquarius

Interpretation: The fractal nature of reality, where creation is governed by mathematical equations and ratios (sacred geometry). The ‘order’ as represented by the Emperor card.

The inevitable tree that grows from a seed or the inevitable manifestation that grows from an idea.

Jerah of the runes. You reap what you sow.


Number: 100

Tarot card: The Moon

Path: 29 – Netzach-Malkuth

Alchemical: Pisces

Interpretation: The first little epiphanies that we get when starting on the path of magick.


Number: 200

Tarot card: The Sun

Path: 30 – Hod-Yesod

Alchemical: Sun

Interpretation: Wealth, glory, the playful god. Burning away shit that doesn’t serve.


Number: 300

Tarot card: Judgement

Path: 31 – Hod-Malkuth

Alchemical: Fire

Interpretation: Grounding, bringing glory down to earth. Healing, regeneration


Number: 400

Tarot card: The World/The Universe

Path: Yesod-Malkuth

Alchemical: Saturn

Interpretation: Unity of the cosmos. The End and The Beginning. The Alpha and Omega. The All. Brahma.

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