President Buer – the healer

Disclaimer: This post is not intended as a substitute for medical or therapeutic advice, nor am I suggesting that magick is a replacement for established addiction treatments. It is simply a recount based on my experience. If you are struggling with addiction, seek professional help. About a year and a half ago, I found myself […]

Prince Sitri – love thyself

It is sometimes said that the two biggest motivators for people starting upon the magickal path are getting paid and getting laid. I have to admit that I am no exception to this. Although I’d been practising high magick for a couple of years by the time I found out about the Goetia, Prince Sitri […]

Queen Astaroth – creative inspiration

Queen Astaroth has been known by many names – ‘Astarte’ in Greece, ‘Ishtar’ in Babylon, and ‘Inanna’ in Sumeria. She is the nurturing mother archetype of the Divine Feminine, who gives birth to sacred art, and inspires creativity. She was my motivation behind starting this blog and writing about magick, so it’s fitting that the […]